Hi. My names Madison, aka cakedough7. I am a autistic animator/cartoonist/artist who loves drawing, games, writing, and just art stuff in general. I have been drawing since forever, and since then, my interest for making things has grown greatly. I am a big fan of everything from art to animation, from seeing how drawings or any kind of media come together to make something cool, to just seeing what kinds of stuff you can tell through them.

I am currently working on 3 stories, abbreviated as LMGOTP, PDS, and J&K. They will be shown in web-comic form and will be posted here on this site and my other socials (When I actually get started on them, that is). the 4 buttons on the side are my media platforms, where you can look at my art, and my funny posts & pictures. the pink and purple buttons below lead to different parts of my site, like my favorite things, my favorite songs, and whatever else the buttons say.
Favorite Things
Favorite Songs
© cakedough7 2005-2024
My Contacts